Wissenschaft, News und EventsLessons learned – Making Mistakes for Learning
Errors occur regularly throughout the daily work. It is one of our most disliked characteristics of humanity. And how do we deal with it?
The Evolution of Medical Cannabis Quality Control
Since 2017, cannabis has already been available as a medical product in Germany. But how is the quality of medical cannabis controlled? Why should we use NMR spectroscopy for the quality control?…
Phospholipid Analysis by 31P-NMR spectroscopy
Did you know that Spectral Service AG is the worldwide leader laboratory
in Quantitative Determination of Phospholipids using 31P-NMR spectroscopy?
GLP inspection by Ministry for Work, Health and Social Aspects
Since our last GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) inspection was 3 years ago, we recently contacted the authorities for recertification. Now, we have it concrete…
Blood Alcohol Determination by NMR
Isn’t it possible to analyze the BAC out of only one drop (20 µL) of whole capillary blood from a finger or an earlobe – with a fast, accurate, precise and robust method? Yes, of course, with the NMR spectroscopy!…
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Merry Christmas!
A year full of amazing events, opportunities, and great achievements draws to a close – impressions and experiences remain. We wish you a happy Christmas, sending you our greetings and wish you luck, happiness and success for the new year 2019. In particular, we send a warm thank you to our longstanding clients for the good and trusting cooperation!
News 2019 – Spectral Service AG starts automatic NMR laboratory
In the years 2017/2018 we already invested with consistency in new balances of the XPE series from Mettler Toledo and in our building structure. This marks the launch of the automatic NMR laboratory.
16th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Functional phospholipids in the food and pharmaceutical industries”
The 16th International Scientific and Practical Conference will continue the cycle of conferences initiated 20 years ago and devoted to new research in the chemistry and technologies of production,…