Wissenschaft, News und EventsAn NMR Expert against automated qNMR: integration test at Spectral Service
During several last year we have been developing a tool for automated qNMR analysis, which helps us to prevent typing errors during data evaluation…
We support Science: Spectral Service is a sponsor of the international symposium in Russia
This year Spectral Service is a sponsor of the 12th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics will take place in February 2020 in Saratov, on the bank of river Volga…
Throwback: The Periodic Table turned 150 in the year 2019!
In 2019, the Periodic Table celebrated its 150th birthday…
What is Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)?
GMP refers to the Good Manufacturing Practice regulations released by the US Food and Drug Administration…
Happy Holidays!
The year is coming to an end and we are looking back with gratitude on 2019 and confidently towards 2020! We would like to thank all our customers and …
Blood Alcohol Determination by NMR
Isn’t it possible to analyze the BAC out of only one drop (20 µL) of whole capillary blood from a finger or an earlobe – with a fast, accurate, precise and robust method? Yes, of course, with the NMR spectroscopy!…
Breakthrough in heparin analysis: holistic control by NMR spectrometry and chemometrics
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of heparin with a combined NMR and chemometry technique…
Edible oil – Which one is it?
Analyzing all quality parameters with only one technique? Impossible? Possible with NMR!…
PANIC and Validation Workshop, March 4-8, 2018
PANIC (Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference) 2018 and the 4th Annual Validation Workshop is a five-day event (March 4-8, 2018) in La Jolla, California,…
qNMR Summit Tokyo Jan 29-30, 2018
The third qNMR Summit 2018 is scheduled to be held in January 2018 in Tokyo (Japan)…
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Quality analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic!
We support our new and established customers with our three 500 MHz and 600 MHz NMR instruments, and our new 600 MHz NEO NMR coming in autumn 2020!
Spectral Service will offer remote audits soon!
COVID-19 pandemic influences our way of working The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced almost all companies to change their way of working, also ours. On the one hand we have a social responsibility towards our employees to protect their health, and on the other...
Spectral Service AG is celebrating its 30th anniversary
Spectral Service AG was found 1990, so we are celebrating our 30th anniversary in May 2020. We reflect the last decades, looking also to the future…