Potential, intelligent cross-linking and dialogOver the last decades, we have built a strong global network of strong partners which strengthens the potential of the collaborators. We know our sector, our competitors and we are continually in contact with many cooperation partners worldwide.
By means of conferences, trade fairs, meetings and friendly get together, expertise, research ideas and research results are interchanged and act as a multiplier of the distribution of the know-how. As a co-founder of the market of NMR spectroscopy as analytical services we cooperate with universities, research facilities, institutes and industry to get impulses for the development of new methods. In that context, ideas for research projects, degree theses and dissertations are collected, planned and performed. The focus is on the promotion of young scientists and building an “own private university by Spectral Service”. To transfer a high level of knowledge we take on teaching assignments and supervise internships in Germany, Russia and America.