Software Tools

data transfer I end-to-end encryption I e-signature


secure data transfer I end-to-end encryption

Your data is secured by an end-to-end encryption as we use the FTAPI SecuTransfer for our document transfer.

For further information please visit the official FTAPI website.




electronic signature I security

We use eSignatureOffice and the naturaSign Pad Comfort from StepOver GmbH for our electronic signatures. To ensure a complete and correct display of the certification of our electronic signatures, we recommend installing the StepOver root certificate – here from the StepOver website or by clicking on the DOWNLOAD button below – and opening the signed documents with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you have problems with the certification of the signatures, please contact our Quality Manager Dr. Michel Bergs (michel.bergs[at]

For further information please visit the official StepOver website.


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