NMR is one of the powerful analytical techniques of our time, because this data provides wealth of qualitative and quantitative information of complex samples. Unfortunately, NMR data analysis has been and is still suffering from oversimplified approaches making it difficult to extract all information efficiently. Such an approach reduces the chance of discovering new findings, innovation and truly learning about complex aspects of the samples investigated.
Chemometric at Spectral Service
One of the know-how of Spectral Service in spectroscopic analysis is application of chemometric (multivariate) techniques, which can provide tools for supervised and unsupervised data exploration, multivariate calibration, classification and discrimination. We are applying multivariate techniques for several routine tasks including determination of molecular weight and anticoagulant activity of heparin, type of vegetable source of lecithin, quantification of phospholipids in milk and many-many others.
12th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics
This year Spectral Service is a sponsor of the 12th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics will take place in February 2020 in Saratov, on the bank of river Volga. The meeting will be an outstanding event gathering more than 50 participants all over the world including invited speakers from France, Argentina and Poland. It covers a wide range of modern topics in chemometrics, including new algorithms, applications in quantitative and qualitative analysis, PAT, experimental design, image analysis, and many others. Traditionally during the weekend before symposium introductory school „Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis“ will be organized. Yulia Monakhova helps with local organization, scientific part of the meeting as well as will be a lecturer during the pre-conference school.

Prof. Dr. Yulia Monakhova (Chemometrics expert)
Please check the website for more information, the scientific program will be available soon!