Wissenschaft, News und EventsSilicones – Boon and Bane!
Can silicone migrate from primary packaging material or laboratory equipment into food and pharmaceutical products? …
GMP Inspection by BRK in Jan 2018
Spectral Service will be audited on Jan, 2018 by German authorities for its compliance…
qNMR Summit Tokyo Jan 29-30, 2018
The third qNMR Summit 2018 is scheduled to be held in January 2018 in Tokyo (Japan)…
DGQ Quality Day – A Big Pool Full of Ideas
„Intense, interactive, creative“ – regarding this motto experiences and conceptions of Quality Management were exchanged and discussed…
The New EMA Headquarter
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) represents the Pharmacovigilance Agency of the EU, assessing and monitoring the safety of human medicines. Until now the headquarter is located in London, but has to be moved due to the inevitable Brexit votum, which was conducted in June 2016. The idea is to move to Bonn, Germany…
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How to send samples with animal origin?!
Since Spectral Service has several valid import licenses, we are allowed to analyze samples with animal origin. However, these samples have to pass the veterinary border inspection, based on the European Commission Decision2021/632/EC. To simplify and accelerate the...
The New EMA Headquarter
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) represents the Pharmacovigilance Agency of the EU, assessing and monitoring the safety of human medicines. Until now the headquarter is located in London, but has to be moved due to the inevitable Brexit votum, which was conducted in June 2016. The idea is to move to Bonn, Germany…
Winner of Nordic Lipidforum Young Scientist Award 2017
How can be determine the quality of fats and oils? Since mankind have produced oil the importance of oils, fats and lipids increased concerning quality and authenticity – a topic which cannot be hotter than today. Numerous events make all this grotesquely clear. The...