“The seminar was very informative, interesting and easy to understand. I felt understood in every situation and also well advised on my questions.”
(Participant feedback, translated)
Cologne, 23th to 25th November, 2022 – The first cooperation workshop with METTLER TOLEDO was a huge success, after the workshop “Einwaage meets qNMR” had to be postponed for more than one year due to the pandemic. We, Spectral Service AG, welcomed 10 participants in-house. The participants came from all over Germany, from Berlin to Augsburg. Some already had qNMR experience but less weighing experience and just the other way around. Read here what the idea behind the workshop was.
“qNMR – the weiging of the unweighable”
During the first 1.5 days, the main topic was about balances and the weighing process. Two speakers from METTLER TOLEDO showed with many illustrative examples what is important during the weighing process and how weighing errors can be minimized. Beside this, it was addressed how the topic GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is applied at METTLER TOLEDO related to the balances. Questions on the topics: measurement uncertainty, calibration, testing and adjustment triggered interesting discussions. At the end all questions could be answered comprehensively by METTLER TOLEDO. After the GMP- weighing topic, we moved on with GMP. However, in relation to the NMR instruments and the documentation as well as qNMR determination under GMP.
We are very grateful that we could win Christoph Freudenberger from Bruker, as a speaker for the lecture “Qualification of the NMR Spectrometer”. Besides this, Christoph Freudenberger of course answered further questions about NMR in general, NMR instruments and TopSpin experiments of the participants. Afterwards, we briefly looked at the GDP (Good Documentation Practice) and how we put GDP into practice at Spectral Service.
Beside the theory part, a big practical part characterized the workshop. In the practical part, the participants had the opportunity to weigh in a 6-fold determination in order to receive a certificate from us, which gives a statement about the quality of the weighing skills of the person who weighed in. Since there was a mix of theoretical and practical part, the group size of 10 was just right.
Of course, there was also a laboratory tour including visiting our four NMR spectrometer. In addition, there was also the opportunity to ask our laboratory team practical questions and to look at our various METTLER TOLEDO balances. At the end of the 2nd workshop day we all deserved a reward, went out to eat together in a brewery and let the evening end in a cosy round.
“I was able to spend three exciting and informative days in Cologne. My expectations were more than fulfilled. Thank you very much!”
(Participant feedback, translated)
The 3rd and last day of the workshop was mainly about qNMR spectroscopy and the evaluation of the NMR spectra. We started with a basic qNMR lecture which covered the fundamentals but also more advanced content. Thus, very well suitable for qNMR newcomers but also interesting for participants with qNMR experience. For the weighing-in certificate, we at Spectral Service AG use an automated qNMR evaluation program developed by Yulia Monakova, Spectral Service. She explained her automated program in a lecture and went into the advantages and disadvantages of an automated program. Finally, we compared the different balances and worked out together why we carry out the weighing test on special balances, which minimum initial weight and which NMR spectrometer we prefer to use.
All in all, in our opinion, it was a successful workshop with many opportunities for exchange. We will gladly repeat the cooperation workshop with METTLER TOLEDO this year in October. We look forward to a second round.
“A successful seminar, which was a lot of fun and I can only recommend.”
(Participant feedback, translated)
“Ich fand das Seminar sehr informativ, interessant und gut verständlich. Ich fühlte mich in jeder Situation verstanden und auf meine Fragen auch gut beraten. Ich konnte wertvolle Tipps mitnehmen, die ich in meinem Arbeitsablauf bei qNMR-Messungen einbringen werde. Den gemeinsamen Abend fand ich sehr gut und man konnte sich in gemütlicher Atmosphäre untereinander austauschen. Der praktische Teil bringt nochmals Abwechslung und lehrreiche Informationen. Ein gelungenes Seminar, welches viel Spaß gemacht hat und nur weiterempfehlen kann.“ (Participant feedback 1, original)
„Das Seminar bot eine umfassende Einführung in die quantitative NMR-Spektroskopie. Äußerst interessant waren hierbei auch Einblicke in GMP-Themen wie Qualifizierung und Validierung sowie ein Exkurs zur automatischen Integration von NMR-Spektren. Seitens der Firma Mettler Toledo wurde zudem der Wägeprozess näher betrachtet. Diese aufeinander abgestimmte Kombination zweier Themenbereiche empfand ich als sehr gelungen. Dank angenehmer Gruppengröße und toller Atmosphäre im Hause der Spectral Service AG, durfte ich drei spannende und lehrreiche Tage in Köln verbringen. Meine Erwartungen wurden mehr als erfüllt. Vielen Dank!“ (Participant feedback 2, original)